Knoxville Mom's 4 tips to stay Healthy and Happy

Knoxville School Closures


If you're a busy mom like me, the Knoxville school closures announcement throws you into a bit of a frenzy! I am so glad the little ones who are ill will be able to get some R&R and the schools can sanitize. It also means little germs are running rampant in Knoxville ( I'm a teensy bit of a germaphobe). Seriously, as a busy mommy with two kids, that runs a business from home, I don't have time for my little's to bring home the flu from school. Plus, I work with pregnant mommies, and teensy newborn babies, which I absolutely don't want to expose to anything.  We have a few things we do to help prevent illness and save my sanity. 

 Seriously, as a busy mommy with two kids, that runs a business from home, I don't have time for my little's to bring home the flu from school. Plus, I work with pregnant mommies, and teensy newborn babies, which I absolutely don't want to expose to anything. We have a few things we do to help prevent illness and save my sanity. 

Stay Healthy Knoxville

1. Hand Washing

I know, this one should be a no-brainer, but if you have kids, you know the struggle! I'm constantly on my kids to wash their hands as soon as they get home from school, and regularly throughout the afternoon. 

2. Vitamin C

We started taking vitamin C every day about a year ago ( before that I was bad about remembering!). The kids get chewables and take 500-1000MG a day. In the last year, the sweet kiddos have hardly been sick! A great improvement from the previous year where it was almost once a month. 

3. Elderberry Syrup

I just found elderberry syrup this year, and let me tell you, I'm so glad I did! You can buy it in the store, or make your own ( my top choice because I know exactly what goes into it, and can use local honey for the allergy benefits!). It tastes great, and the kiddos just have to take a teaspoon a  day for prevention, or a teaspoon every 3-4 hours for treatment of cold or flu. I use this recipe

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4. Stay Away from Germ Factories ( AKA children's Play Places)

Seriously, in cold and flu season, we stay far, far away from Chuck E Cheese, Jump Jam, etc. With Knoxville schools being out, I've even seen some of these places advertising to bring the kids over. I totally understand needing to get well children out of the house, but all it takes is one sick child to go and ruin it for everyone. Personally, I keep the kiddos entertained with crafts and such instead. They're just as happy, and we can keep exposure down to a minimum. 

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I hope these help you busy moms keep the littles well!